I mainly teach graduate level courses for the graduate certificates in Academic Advising and College Athlete Development, masters programs in Academic Advising and College Student Development, and doctoral programs in Student Affairs in Higher Education and Leadership in Academic Advising. My courses (except EDCEP 885) can be taken for Student Affairs in Higher Education doctoral cognate areas. My courses are either hybrid or fully online. I have used Canvas as a primary LMS since 2011.
Graduate courses at K-State:
EDCEP 831: Current Issues in Higher Education - this is a required course for the College Student Development masters program.
EDCEP 854: College Student Athletes - this is a required course for the Academic Advising masters program, the College Student Development College Athlete Development track, and the College Athlete Development graduate certificate
EDCEP 863: Trends in Career Development - this is a required course for the Academic Advising graduate certificate and masters programs, the College Student Development masters program, and the College Athlete Development graduate certificate
EDCEP 864: Current Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics - this is a required course for the College Student Development College Athlete Development track, College Athlete Development graduate certificate, and an elective option for the Academic Advising masters program.
EDCEP 885: Practicum in Higher Education - this is a required course for the College Student Development masters program.
EDCEP 927: Higher Education Administration - this is a required course for the Student Affairs in Higher Education and Leadership in Academic Advising doctoral programs.
EDCEP 932: Ethical Issues & Practice in Academic Advising - this is a required course for the Leadership in Academic Advising doctoral program
I have co-taught a graduate course at K-State:
EDSP 853: College Students with Disabilities - this is a required course for the Academic Advising and College Student Development masters programs
Undergraduate courses at K-State:
UHP 189: First-Year Honors Seminar - Special Topic: "The Business of College Sports"
KIN 101: Topics in Strength and Conditioning - Teach 1 credit hour fitness courses for undergraduate students
Previously, I taught the following undergraduate courses:
CEP 123: College and Career Success - this is a required course for all majors at Nevada State College (2010-2014)
ALS 101: Academic and Life Success - this course fulfilled a general education requirement at the College of Southern Nevada (2012)
COLA 100E: First Year Seminar: Exploring Majors - this course was designed for undeclared students at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2013)
I have also guest lectured in several courses:
Graduate Level
IPSM 603: Issues in College Sports (UNLV)
LESM 592: Special Topics in Sport Management: Student-Athlete Development and Programming (Northern Illinois)
SPM 629: Seminar: Principles of Athlete Development (SUNY Cortland)
RESM 560V: Workshop: Athlete Development (Arkansas)
EDH 626: College Student Personnel Services (UNLV)
EDH 780: Seminar: Teaching in Higher Education (UNLV)
Undergraduate Level
AAS 289: Film, Race & Ethnicity (UNLV)
RLS 245: Introduction to Sport Management (UNLV)
UGS 303: Gameplan for Winning at Life (University of Texas)